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Heian Jingu Shrine |
Okazaki |
Okazaki Sosui |
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Okazaki Sosui |
Philosopher's Path |
Philosopher's Path |
Okazaki (岡崎)area in Kyoto is visited by many peope every year. It may be to simply enjoy the beauty of the area, to see an exhibition at Miyako Messe(みやこめっせ) or to watch a sport event at the Butokuden Budoh Center(武徳殿). Here are several courses recommende by KTI to see the Best of Okazaki for visitors with limited time.
It is possible to walk and stop by following places within 30 min.
1. Heian Jingu Shrine http://www.heianjingu.or.jp/
The Large Torii is the symbol of Heian Jingu Shrine. There is also a beautiful garden designed by Jihei Ogawa inside the Shrine.
2. Murinan Garden http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murin-an/
walk about 1 min. Designed by Jihei Ogawa, please enjoy the villa of Aritomo Yamagata and its garden shaped like a map of Kyoto.
3. Kyoto City Zoo http://www5.city.kyoto.jp/zoo/lang/en/
Please visit Gorilla section to check out Ki-Yan's Art who had drawn J-Flowers at the Public Area in the Kyoto Traveler's Inn---2min. Walk
4. KyotoMunicipalMuseum http://www.city.kyoto.jp/bunshi/kmma/en/index.html
The National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto http://www.momak.go.jp/English/
walk about 1min. If you are in a hurry, how about visiting their permanent collection?
5. Shirakawa http://www.vap.co.jp/motherwater/#/yokoku
It is possible to walk and stop by following places within 30 min.
6. Sosui Kinen Kan http://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/suido/page/0000007524.html
3minutes walk toward Nanzenji-- You will find out more about Sosui Canal of Kyoto. Free Admission
The best way to discover Kyoto is by foot. If you have an hour, you can grasp the charms that Kyoto has.
1. Heian Jingu Shrine(平安神宮) http://www.heianjingu.or.jp
Enjoy bit more time strolling around the garden and for a break try real Matcha Tea and sweets.
2. Nanzenji temple(南禅寺) http://www.nanzen.net/english/
If you can walk up to the Mountain Gate, a beautiful view of Kyoto awaits for you. There are several small temples within Nanzenji and each has it's own beauty and charms. Takes about 7min. walk from KTI.
3. Konkai Kaimyoji Temple(金戒光明寺) http://www.kurodani.jp/en/index.html
walk about 10 minutes.
4. Shorenin Temple(青蓮院) http://www.shorenin.com/english/index.html
Special night viewing of the garden is held during the spring and fall. Artist Ki-Yan draw their Fusuma screen who did a wonderful Art at KTI.
5. Chion In Temple(知恩院) http://www.chion-in.or.jp/index.php
Chion In Templeis the main temple for Jodo Shu of Buddhism. This temple has 'the seven wonders' and finding these may be a challenging but fun thing to do. Highly recommend to wake up early and walk around there. 5 min. walk from KTI
6. Philosopher's Path(哲学の道) http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/哲学の道
Simply relaxing and beautiful path. No words to describe the experience. Locals favorite. It will probably take about one hour to walk Nanzenji, Eikando, and Philosopher's Walk and come back to KTI
7. Yasaka Shrine(八坂神社) http://www.yasaka-jinja.or.jp/en/
Another suggestion is to walk towards Shorenin Temple, Chionin Temple, Maruyama Park, Yasaka Shrine, Gion and come back to KTI
8. Shopping Hanpu Bag at Ichizawa Shinzaburo (一澤信三朗帆布) http://www.ichizawa.co.jp/
Store or Ki-Yan Stuzio at Gion and come back?
9. TIME'S I II by Architect Tadao Ando http://www46.tok2.com/home/arc/kyoto/kyoto_05.htm
15 min. from KTI. One of the first commercial building designed by Tadao Ando.
1. Nanzenji(南禅寺), Eikando(永観堂), Philosopher's Path(哲学の道), Ginkakuji Temple(銀閣寺)
You could go to Nanzenji(南禅寺), Eikando(永観堂), Philosopher's Path(哲学の道), Ginkakuji Temple(銀閣寺), maybe even able to climb up to the top of the Daimonji (15min. climb) and come back at KTI by foot or by bus no5. Kanji character "大"meaning big/great is represented on the mountain.
2. Konkai Komyoji Temple(金戒光明寺) http://www.kurodani.jp
Visit Konkai Komyoji Temple(金戒光明寺), Shinnyodo Temple(真如堂), have a tea at Mo-An (茂庵)on top of the Yoshida Yama(吉田山)?
3. Crafts and Foodie Fair at Chionji Temple(知恩寺) http://www.tedukuri-ichi.com
Every 15th of the month, there's a Crafts and Foodie Fair at Chionji Temple(知恩寺) at Hyakumanben(百万遍). You could walk or take bus no. 201or 206
Starting at KTI, walk towards Shorenin Temple(青蓮院), Chion-In Temple(知恩院), Maruyama Park(円山公園), Yasaka(八坂), Ninei-saka(二寧坂), Sannei-saka(三寧坂), Reizan Kannon(霊山観音), or Kodaiji Temple(高台寺), eventually will lead to the Kiyomizu Temple(清水寺). On the way back, if you are tired, you can take no. 100 bus or taxi back to KTI.