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【1】 Basic Privacy Policy

(a) Definition of personal information
Kyoto Traveler's Inn acknowledges that personal information is important personal property. "Personal information" is to be identified individual by personal data such as name, birthday and address.

(b) Obligation concerning handling of personal information
1. Social Obligation
Kyoto Traveler's Inn considers that personal information is to be protected by handling correctly and safety as our social obligation.
2. Rigid Observance of Legislation
Kyoto Traveler's Inn complies strict with the legislations which are applied to protection of personal information.
3. Obligation for personal information providers/Establish trust
Kyoto Traveler's Inn is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly dealing the following privacy policy to protect personal information that user provides online.

【2】 Compliance program and its purpose

(a) Operation proviso of collecting and using personal information appropriately.
(b) Concrete regulation for the course of action preventing unauthorized access, loss, destruction, tampering and leaking.

【3】 Organizational Activities

(a) Acknowledgement of Responsibility to all employees
All employee who work at Kyoto Traveler's Inn must ensure the protection of personal information and strict adherence to guidelines relation to confidentiality matters.

(b) Employee Education
Kyoto Traveler's Inn conducts adequate employee training about the protection of personal information so that all employee can be aware of their responsibility and consciousness of duty.

(c) Administrator clarification and grant of authority
Kyoto Traveler's Inn will designate and authorizes administrator who will in charge of personal information protection.

(d) Custodian clarification and grant of authority
Kyoto Traveler's Inn designates and authorizes liable custodians respectively for the collected personal information. Except for special case, the custodian is taken as who collected the personal information.

(e) Constant Review of Compliance Program
A compliance program will be reviewed and improved by auditor continuously.

(f) Release
Basic Policy is available for inspection at any time through Kyoto Traveler's Inn home page(URL= http://www.k-travelersinn.com/ ) or our hotel brochure

【4】 Handling Personal Information

(a) Information Collected/ Use/Disclosure
Unless Kyoto Traveler's Inn has your express consent we will only disclose personal data to third parties if this is required for the purpose of completing your transaction with us. This is of course subject to the proviso that we may disclose your data to certain permitted third parties, and when we are legally obliged to disclose your data.

(b) Release of Personal Information to Third Party
Personal information will not be released to third parties except to following cases.

-In case of there is a consent of the personal information provider.
-In case of that business is commissioned to the external contractor which is certain permitted third party and is bound by confidentiality agreement with Kyoto Traveler's Inn.
-In case of presenting required information to a financial institutions due to payment of the products and service.
-In case of order to disclose personal information by legal command.

(c) Respect for rights
Kyoto Traveler's Inn respects for individual rights of personal information, responds to the request of indication, the correction, and the deletion to user's personal information within a rational purview and a reasonable period. In addition, personal information is not provided if the personal information provider doesn't want to do. However, in the event of indispensable to provide personal information, this service may not apply.

(d) Security
1. Countermeasure against computer viruses using by Anti Virus soft wares.
2. Leaks/ tampering/ deletion/ theft/loss
-Tracking information about the visits to our web sites
-Continuous improvement of counter measure of security
-Periodical backup of data
Continuing effort for other required security measure

【5】 Customer Service

Kyoto Traveler's Inn provides consultation service for query, counseling and complaint about these basic policy and protection of personal information.

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